Influenza A (H3N2) / Aussie Flu
Influenza A virus (H3N2) is a subtype of the virus that causes influenza (flu). Virus A (H3N2) is a seasonal flu that usually occurs every year in America, Britain, and other countries in the northern and southern hemispheres. This flu is dangerous because it can lead to death in the sufferer. This virus is classified as the worst virus in 20 years. This virus is known as the Australian flu virus (Aussie Flu)
Professor Wendy Barclay, Imperial Collage's Virology expert, London, explains that there is a group of viruses attached to the lungs. Flu symptoms are also varied, there is a high fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and inflammation that affect the immune system. This virus can be divided into 4 categories, which are classified based on the capacity of the mutation and the infection.
The virus became a pandemic in 1968, with the death toll of 1 million people worldwide. The highest mortality rate is in the age group 65 years and over. The virus also has similarities with the Swiss H1N1 flu, which was the first form of swine flu in 2009.
Quoted from chroniclelive, the Australian flu has symptoms more or less similar to the common cold, but the condition of the sufferer is more severe and the transmission is also fast. Symptoms include sudden fever, pain, cough, fatigue, headache, nausea, inflammation, diarrhea, and sleep disorders.
In children, the Australian flu can also be demonstrated with symptoms of an earache. Common flu usually affects only the nose and throat, but the Australian flu can cause complications such as pneumonia. The flu virus can be spread through the air when the sufferer coughs or sneezes. The virus can survive in the hands or other surfaces for 24 hours.
How to prevent Influenza A (H3N2) / Aussie Flu
This virus will cause a much bigger problem if experienced by the elderly. Because the case of flu Australia could increase more than doubled in one week. To prevent contracting the disease, vaccines need to be done.
The vaccine can not directly cure and eliminate the virus from the body, but it can provide the best protection from the development of virus during the winter, called the peak of the development of the virus.
A good and regular diet
Eating a healthy and regular diet can keep the immune system. Set the portion of the meal so as not too much or too much because it can disrupt the body's metabolic system. Consuming fruits and vegetables and multiplying pure water can be the right solution to prevent H3N2 flu.
Washing hands
Most diseases can be prevented by washing hands. The spread of viruses and bacteria can be prevented by this activity. Wash your hands after doing activities outside the home and after interacting with places prone to the spread of disease.
Using a mask
Using masks in crowds can avoid the spread of viruses or bacteria through the air.
Exercise regularly
Exercise can maintain immunity.